On this page you find all the development cooperation programmes executed by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and funded by:
- the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
- other Dutch ministries and
- the European Union.

55 programmes found
Pilot 2g@there OS (TGOS)
Number of projects: 9
Total budget: € 5,138,742.00
Total budget: € 5,138,742.00
Jakarta Coastal Defence Strategy (JCDS)
Number of projects: 3
Total budget: € 4,720,000.00
Total budget: € 4,720,000.00
Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia (WaL)
Number of projects: 11
Total budget: € 4,671,525.00
Total budget: € 4,671,525.00
Dutch Surge Support (DSS Water) – Phase 2
Number of projects: 129
Total budget: € 4,607,648.57
Total budget: € 4,607,648.57
Dutch Risk Reduction Team (DRR Team) – Phase 1
Number of projects: 127
Total budget: € 3,915,515.55
Total budget: € 3,915,515.55
Clean Cooking Sector Support (GACC)
Number of projects: 6
Total budget: € 3,757,887.88
Total budget: € 3,757,887.88
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (DSS MHPSS)
Number of projects: 71
Total budget: € 3,656,512.00
Total budget: € 3,656,512.00
Dutch Risk Reduction Team (DRR Team) – Phase 2
Number of projects: 124
Total budget: € 3,019,506.62
Total budget: € 3,019,506.62
Water Programme Myanmar (WPM)
Number of projects: 28
Total budget: € 2,768,283.37
Total budget: € 2,768,283.37
Life Sciences and Health for Development (LS&H4D)
Number of projects: 9
Total budget: € 2,700,000.00
Total budget: € 2,700,000.00