Jakarta Coastal Defence Strategy (JCDS)
The government of Indonesia asked the government of the Netherlands to assist in a process to identify the main direction for Indonesia to realise coastal defence as part of an integrated solution as an investment with economic benefits as opposed to a mere expense. The goal of the government of Indonesia is to realise a 'North Coast of Java Coastal Defence Strategy'. The Government of the Netherlands responded by agreeing to focus on Jakarta first.
All projects contribute to the realisation of a 'North Coast of Java Coastal Defence Strategy'. The focus in these projects is on the coast north of Jakarta, and discusses amongst other topics: flood, water supply, roads, drainage, communication, and port.
The Jakarta Coastal Defence Strategy programme is executed through the programme Partners for Water, and is financed by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Next to that, the programme Partners for Water provides additional funding for the Jakarta Coastal Defence Strategy programme.