European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM)

EPRM is a multi stakeholder partnership established with the goal to create better social and economic conditions for mine workers and local mining communities, by increasing the number of mines who adopt responsible mining practices in Conflict and High Risk Areas (CAHRAs). Three critical changes in the supply system have to be achieved to enable responsible production of minerals in CAHRAs:

  1. there has to be assured demand (from downstream actors),
  2. there has to be transparent supply line from mine to smelters (midstream), and
  3. mines have to be able, technically and financially, to apply best practices in mining.

In this way, EPRM assures responsible producers a market and secure sourcing channels for responsible minerals. EPRM will support an enabling local environment through government and local communities' participation that will enhance miners' motivation to introduce better mining practices. To this end, EPRM will create strategic partnerships with relevant stakeholders active in mining communities such as international organisations, civil society organisations, local governmental institutions, local mining communities, in order to align mining intervention strategies and pool and expand resources with which mines will be supported technically and financially to produce minerals in a social and environmental responsible way, and thus gradually breaking the link between mineral extraction and conflict.

In July 2020, the EPRM launched the Due Diligence Hub for responsible mineral supply chains on the EPRM website. The Hub provides easy access to existing information and tools aggregated from a wide range of websites and sources, all under one roof and targeted to specific business needs. This will support downstream companies conducting due diligence for their mineral supply chain, which will become even more important once the EU Conflict Mineral Regulation 2017/821 will be applied as a new law on the 1st of January 2021.

For more information: European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (on

Responsible Consumption and ProductionPartnerships for the GoalsDecent Work and Economic Growth

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