Fund against Child Labour (FBK)
Around the globe, 168 million children engage in child labour. The term 'child labour' refers to when children are too young to work, or do work that is too hard or too dangerous for them, and this work prevents them from receiving a proper or any education.
Due to the lack of education, for example, child labour hampers the development of individual children and of society as a whole. This means child labour is not only a consequence of poverty, it is also a significant cause.
In the UN Sustainable Development Goals, it has been agreed that child labour should be eliminated by 2025 (SDG 8.7). Entrepreneurs and businesses can contribute to this goal through the Fund against Child Labour.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Fund makes subsidy possible for projects aimed at Due Diligence (OECD Guidelines) and local multistakeholder projects on (production) location.
For more information: Fund against Child Labour (on

62 projects found
Total budget: € 483,896.00
Country:  China, India
Project number: NL-KVK-27378529-FBK17SP1
Total budget: € 475,000.00
Country:  Egypt
Project number: NL-KVK-27378529-FBK19S09AB
Total budget: € 475,000.00
Country:  Egypt
Project number: NL-KVK-27378529-FBK22S01B
Total budget: € 475,000.00
Country:  Côte d'Ivoire
Project number: NL-KVK-27378529-FBK22S06AB
Total budget: € 475,000.00
Country:  India
Project number: NL-KVK-27378529-FBK19S16B
Total budget: € 475,000.00
Country:  Pakistan
Project number: NL-KVK-27378529-FBK19S18B
Total budget: € 475,000.00
Country:  Viet Nam
Project number: NL-KVK-27378529-FBK20S01AB
Total budget: € 475,000.00
Country:  Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)
Project number: NL-KVK-27378529-FBK20S02AB
Total budget: € 475,000.00
Country:  India
Project number: NL-KVK-27378529-FBK20S03AB
Total budget: € 475,000.00
Country:  Côte d'Ivoire
Project number: NL-KVK-27378529-FBK20S07AB