Ukraine Partnership Facility (UPF)

Ukraine has faced severe hardship since the Russian invasion began. It is desperately in need of support in many areas, including agriculture, water and healthcare. The Netherlands can be of particular assistance to Ukraine in all three of these sectors.

To enable businesses and civil society organisations to provide a demand-driven contribution to the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine, the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation decided to develop the Ukraine Partnership Facility grant programme (hereafter: 'the grant programme').

Through the grant programme, the minister intends to provide resources for partnership projects involving businesses and civil society organisations that can contribute to the sustainable recovery of Ukraine's economy and society. Emergency humanitarian aid falls outside the scope of this programme. Activities must fall into one of the sectors named above, and concern projects that would otherwise be impossible due to market failure. Where possible, projects should contribute to improving the position of vulnerable groups such as women and young people.

For more information: Ukraine Partnership Facility (on

7 projects found