Resource mobilisation for the Kenya National eCooking Strategy and Kenya Cooking Transition Strategy

This assignment aimed to support the development of the Kenya National eCooking Strategy (KNeCS) and Kenya Cooking Transition Strategy (KCTS) by identifying funding opportunities for future implementation. The consultants collaborated with key institutions and partners, including the KCTS Coordination Committee, KNeCS Technical Working Group, GeCCo partners, and representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum. The focus was on establishing eCooking as a critical component of Kenya's clean cooking technology mix and a driver of electricity demand.

The consultant's tasks included conducting a comprehensive literature review, interviewing key financiers, supporting an Investor’s Forum and developing a report that outlined available funding sources. Additionally, the consultants explored specific funding opportunities by drafting concept notes, organizing dialogues, and preparing knowledge briefings to enhance access to financing and encourage supportive policies.

Climate ActionAffordable and Clean Energy

Project number


Total budget

€ 41,568



Project status


Budget spent

100.00 %
100.00 % spent

Tied status


Project partners

EED Advisory Limited, Netherlands Enterprise Agency


Energy policy and administrative management
TypeProviderProvider ref.ReceiverReceiver ref.Value (€)DateValue date
Incoming Funds 35,196.00 05-02-2024 05-02-2024
Incoming Funds 7,391.16 05-02-2024 05-02-2024
Incoming Funds -1,019.47 29-07-2024 29-07-2024
Outgoing Commitment EED Advisory Limited 35,196.00 05-02-2024 05-02-2024
Outgoing Commitment EED Advisory Limited 7,391.16 05-02-2024 05-02-2024
Outgoing Commitment EED Advisory Limited -1,019.47 29-07-2024 29-07-2024
Disbursement EED Advisory Limited 8,799.00 26-04-2024 26-04-2024
Disbursement EED Advisory Limited 17,598.00 12-06-2024 12-06-2024
Disbursement EED Advisory Limited 8,799.00 30-07-2024 30-07-2024
Disbursement 6,371.69 31-07-2024 31-07-2024