Innovation Window: Digital Innovations for eCooking Market Development

The project, a collaboration between Practical Action, the National Association of Community Electricity Users' Nepal (NACEUN), and the Ajummery Bikas Foundation (ABF), with funding support through the EnDev Innovation Window of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) was implemented in two districts of the Gandaki Province, Parbhat and Syangja. The digital platforms developed are aimed at accelerating the eCooking market. The project focuses on three key areas: 

  1. the development of web/mobile-based digital applications for eCooking market actors and users,
  2. capacity building of eCooking users and supply chain actors in utilizing digital applications for informed decision-making, and 
  3. establishing linkages between demand and supply chain actors to promote eCooking market development. 

The project is perceived to be a commendable attempt to introduce digital platforms in the clean cooking sector. Although the number of cookstove sales through digital platforms remained at just about two-thirds of the target, the overall information reach exceeded the numbers. The project successfully promoted digital innovations on both the demand and supply sides. It had a positive impact on users' perception of eCooking technology, empowering rural women in decision-making, and promoting a clean kitchen environment for end-users. The project implementation demonstrated efficiency, offering cost-effectiveness and time-saving benefits through the digital platform. Sustainability can be achieved through the platform's adaptability and stakeholder collaboration.

Climate ActionAffordable and Clean Energy

Project number


Total budget

€ 238,173



Project status


Budget spent

100.00 %
100.00 % spent

Tied status


Project partners

Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Practical Action


Energy generation, renewable sources - multiple technologies
TypeProviderProvider ref.ReceiverReceiver ref.Value (€)DateValue date
Incoming Funds 250,000.00 01-11-2021 01-11-2021
Incoming Funds -11,827.00 17-10-2023 17-10-2023
Outgoing Commitment Practical Action 250,000.00 01-11-2021 01-11-2021
Outgoing Commitment Practical Action -11,827.00 17-10-2023 17-10-2023
Disbursement Practical Action 200,000.00 19-11-2021 19-11-2021
Disbursement Practical Action 38,173.00 19-10-2023 19-10-2023