Gender and Energy Innovation Facility
The Gender and Energy Innovation Facility (GEIF) aimed to spur innovation for gender transformation in the energy sector. By generating new insights on addressing persistent challenges to providing access to energy in a gender inclusive way, possible (scalable) solutions were identified. GEIF was implemented by Hivos, the Energizing Development programme (EnDev) and the Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS), and included funding from SIDA.
Local and regional organizations in Kenya, Nepal and Tanzania were invited to apply, join 5-days innovation bootcamps to develop their idea, and finally submit their developed idea in a concept note for selection. 10 projects were implemented, four from Kenya, three from Tanzania, and three from Nepal. Overall conclusions that can be drawn at the end of the GEIF is that the pilot project implementers have enhanced their knowledge and understanding of gender concepts in their sector, and succeeded in 'shifting the needle' towards gender equality in the energy sector.
The areas that demonstrated the highest potential for long-term impact are:
- The development of new products or services associated with clean energy.
- Access to clean(er) energy.
- The empowerment of women via upskilling them in traditionally male-dominated roles and sectors, for instance by training them in repairing and maintaining induction stoves or installing solar technology.
Project summary
€ 307,810
Kenya, Nepal, Tanzania, United Republic of
Partially tied
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Stichting Hivos (Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelings Samenwerking)
Energy education/training