Study Waste to Energy in the Palestinian Territories (ETFP18011)
A pre-feasibility study into various waste-to-energy options, carried out by a Dutch expert in this field, has provided a technological, social and financial context for policy issues with many starting points. The options include (i) enhanced extraction and electrification of landfill gas, (ii) digestion of biowaste combined with electrification of the resulting biogas and (iii) direct bulk incineration of municipal waste. The assessment was completed by including a non-energy option, being composting of biowaste, as a reference. The conclusion is that direct incineration has the highest potential with regard to production of electricity, but needs serious consideration with regard to needed minimum scale, needed capital and resulting LCOE (levelized cost of electricity). The study enhances the Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority's (PENRA) insight into making policy choices regarding technology options.
Project summary
€ 7,505
Palestine, State of
Bre-Ad B.V., Netherlands Enterprise Agency
Energy sector policy, planning and administration