Amsterdam initiative against malnutrition (AIM)

Malnutrition is a serious problem among people, in particular mothers and children, at the base of the Pyramid in sub-Sahara Africa and Southeast Asia. Both hunger and lack of micronutrients are affecting millions of people. In this project, a large consortium of both local and Dutch seed, food and fortificants producers retailers, two Dutch knowledge institutes, a number of non-governmental organizatons (NGOs) and a local Ministry is led by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), aiming to break barriers and to provide complete value chain solutions for nutritious foods, from affordable raw materials to available and accessible nutritious foods. The programme contains the ideas of AIM partners in the AIM platform that are worked out into seven separate projects (workstreams) plus an umbrella layer (Support workstream). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is both member of the AIM platform, as well as part of this partnership.

Partnerships for the GoalsZero HungerDecent Work and Economic Growth

Project number


Total budget

€ 6,506,941


Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, United Republic of, South Africa

Project status


Budget spent

100.00 %
100.00 % spent

Tied status

Partially tied

Project partners

Amref Flying Doctors, Avrdc, Banchte Shekha (Learn How To Survive), Centrofood Industries Ltd, Coƶperatie ICCO U.A., Dutch Agricultural Development Company, FrieslandCampina Kievit B.V., Kenya National Federation of Agricultural Producers, Kenya Nutritionists and Dietrians Institute, Koninklijke DSM N.V., Mercy Corps, Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Nouryon Chemicals B.V., Nursing Council of Kenya, Phillips Health Service Limited, Renata Limited, Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt en Zaadhandel B.V., SNV Netherlands Development Org, SPAR International B.V., Sajida Foundation, Stichting BoP Innovation Center, Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek, Taha, The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, Unilever Nederland Holdings B.V., Vieux Manioc B.V., Wageningen Universiteit/ Wageningen University


Food crop production
TypeProviderProvider ref.ReceiverReceiver ref.Value (€)DateValue date
Incoming Funds 10,765,374.00 28-06-2013 28-06-2013
Incoming Funds 10,765,374.00 28-06-2013 28-06-2013
Incoming Funds -10,765,374.00 28-06-2013 28-06-2013
Incoming Funds -4,258,433.00 26-07-2021 26-07-2021
Outgoing Commitment The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition -10,765,374.00 28-06-2013 28-06-2013
Outgoing Commitment The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition 10,765,374.00 28-06-2013 28-06-2013
Outgoing Commitment The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition 10,765,374.00 28-06-2013 28-06-2013
Outgoing Commitment The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition -4,258,433.00 26-07-2021 26-07-2021
Disbursement 1,892,098.00 15-07-2013 15-07-2013
Disbursement 352,387.00 13-07-2015 13-07-2015
Disbursement 498,181.00 13-07-2015 13-07-2015
Disbursement 280,749.00 13-07-2015 13-07-2015
Disbursement 403,432.70 15-12-2015 15-12-2015
Disbursement 57,772.00 18-12-2015 18-12-2015
Disbursement 264,210.34 18-12-2015 18-12-2015
Disbursement 195,064.00 18-12-2015 18-12-2015
Disbursement 359,502.00 18-12-2015 18-12-2015
Disbursement 248,671.00 11-04-2016 11-04-2016
Disbursement 259,451.96 11-04-2016 11-04-2016
Disbursement The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition 1,541,038.00 28-02-2019 28-02-2019
Disbursement The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition 154,384.00 27-07-2021 27-07-2021