
East Africa is facing a growing demand for animal protein. The current fish chain is not well developed. The chain lacks economies of scale and high quality inputs as well as processing, storage and distribution facilities. The goal of the project is to establish a well developed fish chain in Kenya by applying an integral chain approach.

The chain starts with feed, fingerling, and ends with storage, processing and distribution facilities as well as marketing activities.
The project also includes high quality intensive breading of fish.

Partnerships for the GoalsZero HungerDecent Work and Economic Growth

Project number


Total budget

€ 3,886,134



Project status


Budget spent

100.00 %
100.00 % spent

Tied status

Partially tied

Project partners

Almex B.V., Dinnissen B.V., Fashion BV, Golden Marketing Company Limited, Holland Aqua B.V., Kenya Marine and Fishing Research Institute (KMFRI), Larive International B.V., Lattice Aqua Limited, Lattice Consulting Ltd., Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Nutreco Nederland B.V., Ottevanger Machinefabrieken B.V., Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek, The Roost Limited, Viqon Water Solutions


Food crop production
TypeProviderProvider ref.ReceiverReceiver ref.Value (€)DateValue date
Incoming Funds 3,919,358.00 28-06-2013 28-06-2013
Incoming Funds -33,224.00 14-04-2022 14-04-2022
Outgoing Commitment Larive International B.V. 3,919,358.00 28-06-2013 28-06-2013
Outgoing Commitment Larive International B.V. -33,224.00 14-04-2022 14-04-2022
Disbursement Larive International B.V. 172,133.00 15-07-2013 15-07-2013
Disbursement Larive International B.V. 1,495,642.77 04-08-2014 04-08-2014
Disbursement Larive International B.V. 653,188.00 04-12-2014 04-12-2014
Disbursement Larive International B.V. 318,705.00 23-12-2014 23-12-2014
Disbursement Larive International B.V. 162,247.22 11-10-2017 11-10-2017
Disbursement Larive International B.V. 251,771.34 18-12-2017 18-12-2017
Disbursement Larive International B.V. 251,771.34 05-04-2018 05-04-2018
Disbursement Larive International B.V. 110,980.00 19-12-2018 19-12-2018
Disbursement Larive International B.V. 110,983.00 19-12-2018 19-12-2018
Disbursement Larive International B.V. 358,712.33 19-04-2022 19-04-2022