Market access and food security for Nicaraguan coffee and cocoa farmers

The goal of the project is to improve food security for 5,000 small-scale coffee (3,000) and cacao (2,000) farmers, by incorporating them into the coffee and cocoa supply chain in Nicaragua (in CN it were 3,000). 

The project is led by SNV and is following their Inclusive Business approach. The focus will be on the availability, access, and consumption of food, business management, technological innovation, productive diversification and access to local and international markets. 

Through UTZ certification and a direct commercial relationship established between small producers and Ecom, market access will improve. 

Through building the business capacities of small producers their income will improve. 

Technological innovations will support producers in improving their productivity and diversify their production with family orchards and gardens. 

The latter component will focus principally on improving families food security and improving eating habits through nutritional education.

Partnerships for the GoalsZero HungerDecent Work and Economic Growth

Project number


Total budget

€ 5,256,029



Project status


Budget spent

100.00 %
100.00 % spent

Tied status

Partially tied

Project partners

Aldea Global/Fundación Aldea, Asociación Pueblos en Acción Comunitaria, Coop. De Servicios Multiples Flor De Pancasan 8 De Marzo R.L., Coopeerativa Multifuncional Cacaotera La Campesina R.L., Cooperativa Multifuncional de Productores Exportadores de Cafe de San Juan de Rio Coco, Cooperativa Multisectorial Cafe de Altura R.L., Cooperativa de Ahorro y Credito Caja Rural Mano a Mano R.L., Cooperativa la Esmeralda R.L., Exportadora Atlantic, S.A. - Grupo Ecom, Fundación Para El Desarrollo Tecnológic, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Pan American School of Agriculture, SNV Nicaragua, Stichting Rainforest Alliance, Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie


Food crop production
TypeProviderProvider ref.ReceiverReceiver ref.Value (€)DateValue date
Incoming Funds 5,375,270.00 28-06-2013 28-06-2013
Incoming Funds -1,190,427.50 30-06-2017 30-06-2017
Incoming Funds 1,071,186.50 22-11-2019 22-11-2019
Outgoing Commitment Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 5,375,270.00 28-06-2013 28-06-2013
Outgoing Commitment Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie -1,190,427.50 30-06-2017 30-06-2017
Outgoing Commitment Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 1,071,186.50 22-11-2019 22-11-2019
Disbursement Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 360,348.00 15-07-2013 15-07-2013
Disbursement Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 796,389.00 13-11-2014 13-11-2014
Disbursement Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 300,811.00 21-04-2015 21-04-2015
Disbursement Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 300,811.00 28-05-2015 28-05-2015
Disbursement Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 587,909.00 08-12-2015 08-12-2015
Disbursement Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 405,166.00 11-04-2016 11-04-2016
Disbursement Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 410,791.66 08-09-2016 08-09-2016
Disbursement Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 410,792.55 29-09-2016 29-09-2016
Disbursement Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 603,301.00 19-08-2019 19-08-2019
Disbursement Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 554,106.89 10-02-2020 10-02-2020
Disbursement Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 107,317.00 30-11-2020 30-11-2020
Disbursement Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie 418,285.90 23-11-2021 23-11-2021