Development of sustainable dairy villages in Indonesia

The project will focus on two Cooperatives in West-Java, which will supply Frisian Flag Indonesia (FFI) with high quality milk which they can process into milk products. Dairy villages, Milk Cooling Points, a milk collection system and a milk pricing system will be set up, which will employ members of the cooperatives.

Furthermore, an extension service of the Cooperatives will be trained in new techniques. It is indicated that currently, 75% of Indonesian milk and milk products is imported, 25% is domestically supplied.

Agriculture industry development is a priority for the Indonesian government as it is considered an important way for rural households to farm themselves out of poverty. Through the milk products supplied in this Public Private Partnership project, the Indonesian consumer will get better access to sufficient qualitative dairy products with high nutritional value.

When successful, the approach of supplying FFI with milk through Cooperatives could be expanded to other Cooperatives.

Partnerships for the GoalsZero HungerDecent Work and Economic Growth

Project number


Total budget

€ 4,000,000



Project status


Budget spent

81.41 %
81.41 % spent

Tied status

Partially tied

Project partners

Bles Dairies Consultancy B.V., Koperasi Perternak Sapi Bandung Utara Jabar, Koperasi Peternak Bandung Selatan Pengalengan, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Stichting Agriterra, Wageningen Livestock Research Praktijkcentrum Sterksel


Food crop production
TypeProviderProvider ref.ReceiverReceiver ref.Value (€)DateValue date
Incoming Funds 4,000,000.00 28-06-2013 28-06-2013
Outgoing Commitment 4,000,000.00 28-06-2013 28-06-2013
Disbursement 240,457.00 15-07-2013 15-07-2013
Disbursement 841,772.00 03-09-2014 03-09-2014
Disbursement 593,219.00 23-12-2014 23-12-2014
Disbursement 89,941.00 06-07-2015 06-07-2015
Disbursement 99,785.00 04-08-2015 04-08-2015
Disbursement 1,065,747.00 24-04-2019 24-04-2019
Disbursement 151,712.70 16-09-2021 16-09-2021
Disbursement 173,881.81 21-11-2023 21-11-2023