Integrated water management and knowledge transfer in SK Basin

Project area in the Savannah Agro-Ecological Zone of Northern Ghana is characterized by difficult agro-ecological conditions, annual flooding, droughts, poor soils and erratic rainfall, resulting in mainly rain fed farming conditions. The project envisages to introduce modern irrigation and rain fed farming aiming to increase incomes of about 3,000 outgrower smallholder farmers on 6,000 ha producing a variety of crops including maize, legumes, soybean and cotton. The project will develop 150 ha land into fifteen block farms of 10 ha each for outgrowers and 250 ha into a commercial irrigation farm. The intervention contains an extensive training and extension package to sustainably support the behavioural change from traditional into modern farming, introducing irrigation as well as water retention and improved crop management techniques (conservation farming), at the same time ensuring availability of agricultural input supplies, credit facilities and access to secured markets. The project which has significant scaling opportunity, will have an indirect impact on the livelihood of 21,600 people and stimulate employment and economic growth in the North of Ghana.

Partnerships for the GoalsClean Water and Sanitation

Project number


Total budget

€ 6,973,268



Project status


Budget spent

100.00 %
100.00 % spent

Tied status

Partially tied

Project partners

Alterra Beheer B.V., IWAD Ghana Ltd, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Rebelgroup Advisory B.V., Savannah Accelerated Devel. Auth.


Agricultural water resources, Water sector policy and administrative management
TypeProviderProvider ref.ReceiverReceiver ref.Value (€)DateValue date
Incoming Funds 6,973,268.00 26-04-2013 26-04-2013
Outgoing Commitment Iwad Ghana Ltd 6,973,268.00 26-04-2013 26-04-2013
Disbursement 444,905.00 01-07-2013 01-07-2013
Disbursement 1,769,488.00 06-08-2014 06-08-2014
Disbursement 1,583,489.00 16-10-2014 16-10-2014
Disbursement 843,405.00 22-12-2014 22-12-2014
Disbursement 843,405.00 23-04-2015 23-04-2015
Disbursement 495,136.52 18-12-2015 18-12-2015
Disbursement 296,113.48 11-04-2016 11-04-2016
Disbursement Iwad Ghana Ltd 697,326.00 19-07-2018 19-07-2018
Disbursement Iwad Ghana Ltd 0.00 24-08-2020 24-08-2020