Improving due diligence, wages, and equity for women in the Turkish garment sector
This project focuses on transforming the business practices of Fair Wear Foundation member brands, Dutch garment companies and project partners − King Louie, Schijvens and Kuyichi − and 25 of their Turkish suppliers. The aim is to identify, analyse, and test specific policies and actions that garment brands and suppliers can implement to improve their due diligence and responsible business conduct around two focal areas: payment of a living wage and gender equality, with a focus on violence and harassment. By analysing these two risk areas and how they are impacted by the brands’ business practices, the project partners can develop and implement innovative solutions on a structural basis at the factory level. This will create opportunities for other brands to learn and replicate these RBC solutions.
In Project A, Türkiye’s garment sector, and more specifically, the role of garment brands’ CSR, will be analysed from a responsible business perspective in alignment with the OECD guidelines. The key deliverables of Project A will include an extensive gender equality and violence and harassment in the workplace stakeholder mapping and context analysis targeting garment brands sourcing in Türkiye. The Partner Brands and their suppliers will work to raise wages and address gender equality and violence and harassment.
To magnify the project’s impact, in Project B, the partner brands will share their acquired knowledge and tools with brands sourcing in Türkiye, including 45 other Fair Wear brands. The research will serve to provide in-depth data on the impact of brand’s purchasing practices on incidences of violence and harassment in garment factories.
Fair Wear will share the expertise gathered in Project A with member brands of other partner MSIs. This includes targeting brands from the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), the AGT and the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles (PST). The aim is to see best practices and tools identified and developed in Project A, disseminated and implemented by additional brands and their suppliers.

Project number
NL-KVK-27378529-FVOF21006Total budget
€ 475,000Countries
TürkiyeProject status
ImplementationBudget spent
Fund for Responsible Business (FVO)Tied status
iati@rvo.nlProject partners
Kuyichi B.V., Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Schijvens Confectiefabriek Hilvarenbeek B.V., Stichting Fair Wear Foundation, Zeeman TextielSupers B.V.Sectors
Textiles, leather and substitutesType | Provider | Provider ref. | Receiver | Receiver ref. | Value (€) | Date | Value date |
Incoming Funds | 475,000.00 | 20-12-2021 | 20-12-2021 | ||||
Outgoing Commitment | Stichting Fair Wear Foundation | 475,000.00 | 20-12-2021 | 20-12-2021 | |||
Disbursement | Stichting Fair Wear Foundation | 73,470.00 | 22-12-2021 | 22-12-2021 | |||
Disbursement | Stichting Fair Wear Foundation | 73,470.00 | 04-07-2022 | 04-07-2022 | |||
Disbursement | Stichting Fair Wear Foundation | 70,140.00 | 08-11-2024 | 08-11-2024 | |||
Disbursement | Stichting Fair Wear Foundation | 70,140.00 | 03-12-2024 | 03-12-2024 |