Improving the seed potato production system in Tanzania

The availability of good quality seed potatoes in Tanzania and East Africa would contribute to the economic development, improvement of livelihood as well as food security.
This project, therefore, aims to support a seed (and ware) potato production system in Tanzania using Dutch seed potato varieties.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Project number


Total budget

€ 953,557


Tanzania, United Republic of

Project status


Budget spent

100.00 %
100.00 % spent

Tied status


Project partners

Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit, Netherlands Enterprise Agency


Food crop production
TypeProviderProvider ref.ReceiverReceiver ref.Value (€)DateValue date
Incoming Funds 388,522.13 06-12-2016 06-12-2016
Incoming Funds 150,198.60 21-12-2018 21-12-2018
Incoming Funds 99,801.40 10-05-2019 10-05-2019
Incoming Funds 336,000.00 18-12-2019 18-12-2019
Incoming Funds -20,965.61 04-09-2024 04-09-2024
Outgoing Commitment Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit 388,522.13 06-12-2016 06-12-2016
Outgoing Commitment Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit 150,198.60 21-12-2018 21-12-2018
Outgoing Commitment Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit 99,801.40 10-05-2019 10-05-2019
Outgoing Commitment Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit 336,000.00 18-12-2019 18-12-2019
Outgoing Commitment Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit -20,965.61 04-09-2024 04-09-2024
Disbursement 310,000.00 29-08-2019 29-08-2019
Disbursement 320,000.00 20-12-2019 20-12-2019
Disbursement 300,000.00 20-12-2023 20-12-2023
Disbursement 23,556.52 06-09-2024 06-09-2024