Developing the Afghan infrastructure

The objective of this project is to construct a modern, environmentally friendly and energy saving logistics platform in Afghanistan.
B & S B.V. is an international wholesaler and distributor of food and beverages, specialised in providing goods to peacekeeping forces in critical zones and remote areas like Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan and Chad.
The local partner was established in 2005 in Afghanistan to provide goods to international organisations and peacekeeping forces. Currently, they are operating from a temporary location storing goods in reefers containers.

The partners have a long-term vision for Afghanistan and are planning to invest in a modern permanent location for the distribution of (perishable) products. In the future the sales will shift from international organisations and peacekeeping forces to local Afghan buyers like supermarkets and restaurant chains. During this project a total of 1,500 m2 of chilled and frozen storage facility will be constructed and 1,000 m2 of dry storage. With the cold storage facilities perishable goods (like potatoes and fruits) can also be sourced locally and stored before distribution. Thirty jobs will be created directly.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The partners will implement a CSR policy. They pledge to respect the official labour regulations of the country and want to implement the same standards as in the Netherlands as described by MVO Nederland. Employees will have a voice in the company and participate in the social dialogue because proactive members with commitment to the business are highly appreciated. Free lunches and drinks will be provided to the employees and a canteen is to build. Safety regulations are to be implemented. Safety and hygienic clothes will be made available to the employees. Waste will be collected centrally and water is to be treated and cleaned within the compound. A separate praying room will be created within the building.

Quality EducationDecent Work and Economic Growth

Project number


Total budget

€ 900,000



Project status


Budget spent

100.00 %
100.00 % spent

Tied status


Project partners

Netherlands Enterprise Agency


Road transport
TypeProviderProvider ref.ReceiverReceiver ref.Value (€)DateValue date
Incoming Funds 900,000.00 02-08-2010 02-08-2010
Outgoing Commitment 900,000.00 02-08-2010 02-08-2010
Disbursement 4,200.00 29-06-2012 29-06-2012
Disbursement 10,800.00 03-12-2012 03-12-2012
Disbursement 588,370.00 07-03-2013 07-03-2013
Disbursement 296,630.00 16-06-2016 16-06-2016