Dairy processing plant in Afghanistan

Afghanistan has a tradition of consuming dairy products. Afghans have a preference for pasteurised or raw milk products. Due to the war, those products are hardly available. Dairy products, locally produced as well as imported, are sterilised (UHT) and therefore not to the taste of Afghan consumers. Locally produced milk is often of dubious quality. The applicant, and a not yet existing local partner, will set up a dairy production plant.
The joint venture will recombine milk powder and produce pasteurised milk, Aryan (yoghurt drink) and Afghan yoghurt through a location in Afghanistan. Eventually, they will use fresh milk and increase their range of products. They aim at slightly affluent Afghans who are now buying expensive imported dairy products.
Besides the expertise of the applicant, they have found a Dutch knowlegde institute willing to support this project with a team of experts that will give technical assistance from the design of the plant to installation and training of employees.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The company wants to set an example for CSR in practise: supporting the development of the local community, hiring local employees, workplace health and safety, non-discrimination, no child labour, environmental management and responsibility to suppliers. In addition the company will spend part of its profits on local welfare projects.

Quality EducationDecent Work and Economic Growth

Project number


Total budget

€ 970,085



Project status


Budget spent

100.00 %
100.00 % spent

Tied status


Project partners

Netherlands Enterprise Agency


TypeProviderProvider ref.ReceiverReceiver ref.Value (€)DateValue date
Incoming Funds 78,359.00 21-12-2011 21-12-2011
Incoming Funds 895,532.00 21-12-2011 21-12-2011
Incoming Funds -3,806.00 20-06-2017 20-06-2017
Outgoing Commitment 78,359.00 21-12-2011 21-12-2011
Outgoing Commitment 895,532.00 21-12-2011 21-12-2011
Outgoing Commitment -3,806.00 20-06-2017 20-06-2017
Disbursement 313,436.00 24-09-2012 24-09-2012
Disbursement 44,777.00 06-12-2012 06-12-2012
Disbursement 44,777.00 06-03-2013 06-03-2013
Disbursement 44,777.00 10-06-2013 10-06-2013
Disbursement 119,404.00 09-09-2013 09-09-2013
Disbursement 119,404.00 09-12-2013 09-12-2013
Disbursement 24,851.00 19-12-2013 19-12-2013
Disbursement 119,404.00 10-03-2014 10-03-2014
Disbursement 24,851.00 22-12-2014 22-12-2014
Disbursement 24,851.00 17-12-2015 17-12-2015
Disbursement 89,553.00 01-03-2017 01-03-2017
Disbursement 0.00 20-06-2017 20-06-2017