Providing modern cargo services at Freetown International Airport

The applicant in this project proposal is Groupe Europe Handling (GEH), the local partner, is Sky Handling Partner Sierra Leone Limited (SHPS).
SHPS was formerly a state owned company. The service level of the company was very low. The Sierra Leone's government decided to privatise the company in order to improve the standards. GEH took over the company in 2010. The first priority of GEH was to improve the service level of the passenger services and the baggage handling. Adequate equipment to off and unload the planes was hardly available, but has been procured since.
The current challenge is to upgrade the cargo handling services. At the moment, the infrastructure is insufficient. The poor infrastructure limits the amount of cargo which is delivered to the country. Export of goods (by plane) is nearly impossible due to the fact that Sierra Leone cannot guarantee the required safety procedures to send cargo abroad.
For this project a separate joint venture will be established. The cargo handling services and the passenger handling services will be separated.
This project will be located at the Lungi International airport.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Both the applicant as the local partner have a CSR policy. The CSR policy of SHPS is based on the CSR policies of its mother company GEH. Every employee has received an employee handbook in which the CSR principles are outlined.
Furthermore, the IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) standards will be implemented. ISAGO aims to improve safety by drastically reducing ground accidents and injuries. The ISAGO programme is an audit system conducted in a standardised and consistent manner, using internationally recognised quality auditing principles.
SHPSL applies responsible environmental management. It recycles and treats its waste and works towards reducing its vehicle's CO2 emissions. For the new cargo terminal the partners are looking into the possibilities for installing solar/dual hybrid power solutions. SHPSL will have an Environmental Impact Assessment conducted at the terminal location.


  • Employment and working conditions

The proposed training in handling the cargo in the terminal according to the computerised tracking system will be completely new in Sierra Leone. Training in ISAGO regulations/ implementation and on dangerous goods handling will be completely new to the country.

  • Chain effects

- Increasing import and export possibilities by providing more and improved storage facilities and more efficient cargo handling capacity;
- Promoting the export possibilities of local companies by the provision of air freight links to key markets;
- Stimulating the local food export industry by providing cold storage for the private sector at the airport;
- Positive impact on the local economy - more flights arriving, carrying more goods and more passengers;
- A possible lift of the current export embargo international airlines have put Sierra Leone under;
- Contributing to more efficient airline operations by reducing ground time.

  • Environment

SHPSL will implement the ISAGO standards, which also include environmental standards.

  • Position of women

The partners will provide equal employment opportunities to both men and women. However, due to the nature of the business, cargo handling, it is expected that mostly men will be contracted.

Media library

Quality EducationDecent Work and Economic Growth

Project number


Total budget

€ 954,338


Sierra Leone

Project status


Budget spent

100.00 %
100.00 % spent

Tied status


Project partners

Groupe Europe Handling, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Sky Handling Partner Sierra Leone


Air transport
TypeProviderProvider ref.ReceiverReceiver ref.Value (€)DateValue date
Incoming Funds 898,200.00 20-12-2011 20-12-2011
Incoming Funds 56,138.00 20-12-2011 20-12-2011
Outgoing Commitment Groupe Europe Handling 898,200.00 20-12-2011 20-12-2011
Outgoing Commitment Groupe Europe Handling 56,138.00 20-12-2011 20-12-2011
Disbursement Groupe Europe Handling 314,370.00 07-09-2012 07-09-2012
Disbursement Groupe Europe Handling 44,910.00 06-12-2012 06-12-2012
Disbursement Groupe Europe Handling 44,910.00 06-03-2013 06-03-2013
Disbursement Groupe Europe Handling 44,910.00 10-06-2013 10-06-2013
Disbursement Groupe Europe Handling 119,730.00 09-09-2013 09-09-2013
Disbursement Groupe Europe Handling 119,730.00 09-12-2013 09-12-2013
Disbursement Groupe Europe Handling 119,820.00 10-03-2014 10-03-2014
Disbursement Groupe Europe Handling 145,958.00 22-08-2016 22-08-2016
Disbursement Groupe Europe Handling 0.00 21-02-2017 21-02-2017