Jerashi Flexible Packaging

The Palestinian industry is already a client for flexible packaging solutions, which it imports from China, Israel, Jordan etc. Flexible packaging can be described as film based packaging materials, paper rolls, stickers etc. When offering this service to the Palestinian manufacturers from a local source, the clients will have a more flexible supplier available. The project will be located in Bethlehem which is centrally located in the West Bank. The applicant, Techno Arabia Signs LLC, is a company that produces and installs road signs and is located in the United Arab Emirates.

The local partner, Jerashi Flexible Packaging (currently Jerashi Printing House) is a conventional printing company from Bethlehem. The partners intend to establish a joint venture company to implement the project. The project will introduce advanced technology for packaging material manufacturing to the country and will substitute imported materials.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The partners have already formulated targets for different CSR aspects of the project. They have set standards for ethical business conduct, employment conditions, customer care, environment and combating bribery. The company will be ISO 22000 certified as the major part of the production will be for the food industry.


Employment and working conditions

The joint venture will offer good and safe working conditions. Payment will be at least at 150% of the official minimum wage, which is also above living wage level. A number of fringe benefits like health insurance, transportation and bonuses will be available to the workers.

Innovation/Transfer of knowledge

The printing technology that is introduced does not exist in the Palestinian Territories. The present foreign suppliers only deliver large quantities of the same design/make of packaging materials.

Chain effects

  • Impact on local suppliers
    The project will hire transportation and some other services. Almost all raw materials will be sourced abroad.
  • Impact on local customers or consumers
    The project will be beneficial the customers as they will have a source for the packing material available locally which will allow them to be more flexible in the design and printing. Also, smaller producers can now have customised flexible packaging material.

Impact on the sector

The joint venture will share knowledge with educational institutions and offer internships for students. The company will seek cooperation with manufacturers of non-flexible packaging to share knowledge and seek cooperation.



Position of women

A considerable number of positions at medium level will be available for female workers.

Quality EducationDecent Work and Economic Growth

Project number


Total budget

€ 970,875


Palestine, State of

Project status


Budget spent

100.00 %
100.00 % spent

Tied status


Project partners

Jerashi Flexible Packaging, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Techno Arabia Signs LLC


Radio/television/print media
TypeProviderProvider ref.ReceiverReceiver ref.Value (€)DateValue date
Incoming Funds 78,750.00 07-02-2014 07-02-2014
Incoming Funds 900,000.00 07-02-2014 07-02-2014
Incoming Funds -31,500.00 26-06-2017 26-06-2017
Incoming Funds 23,625.00 02-05-2018 02-05-2018
Outgoing Commitment Techno Arabia Signs LLC 78,750.00 07-02-2014 07-02-2014
Outgoing Commitment Techno Arabia Signs LLC 900,000.00 07-02-2014 07-02-2014
Outgoing Commitment Techno Arabia Signs LLC -31,500.00 26-06-2017 26-06-2017
Outgoing Commitment Jerashi Flexible Packaging 23,625.00 02-05-2018 02-05-2018
Disbursement Jerashi Flexible Packaging 315,000.00 09-10-2014 09-10-2014
Disbursement Jerashi Flexible Packaging 45,000.00 09-12-2014 09-12-2014
Disbursement Jerashi Flexible Packaging 45,000.00 10-03-2015 10-03-2015
Disbursement Jerashi Flexible Packaging 45,000.00 09-06-2015 09-06-2015
Disbursement Jerashi Flexible Packaging 120,000.00 16-09-2015 16-09-2015
Disbursement Jerashi Flexible Packaging 120,000.00 03-12-2015 03-12-2015
Disbursement Jerashi Flexible Packaging 120,000.00 04-03-2016 04-03-2016
Disbursement Jerashi Flexible Packaging 23,625.00 21-03-2017 21-03-2017
Disbursement Jerashi Flexible Packaging 113,625.00 27-06-2017 27-06-2017
Disbursement Jerashi Flexible Packaging 23,625.00 04-05-2018 04-05-2018