Potato value chain

The project aims to establish a viable seed and ware potato value chain, including 8,855 farmers and processing industry.

  1. Increased availability of high quality seed potatoes

    Increased availability of traceable high quality of seed potato through hydroponic multiplication of varieties with market demand, increased warehouse capacity and reduced disappearance of certified seeds into the informal chain. Clean inputs by Dutch companies HZPC, Solynta and Agrico.

    Outcomes: higher yields, higher revenues of small holder potato farmers, cleaner soil ready to produce higher yields, increased value chain efficiency.
  2. Innovative value addition

    Complementary potato processing facilities established in Kisoro (fries) and Kampala (crisps) that will connect in total 8,855 smallholder potato growers to the market for quality fresh potatoes and processed potato products, next to the regular market of ware potatoes.

    Outcomes: higher prices for quality potatoes for smallholder farmers, increased value chain efficiency.
Partnerships for the GoalsZero HungerDecent Work and Economic Growth

Project number


Total budget

€ 2,295,136



Project status


Budget spent

90.00 %
90.00 % spent

Tied status

Partially tied

Project partners

Delphy B.V., NARO, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Potato Producers Association Ltd, Psalms Food Industries Ltd, Stichting Agriterra


Food crop production
TypeProviderProvider ref.ReceiverReceiver ref.Value (€)DateValue date
Incoming Funds 2,295,136.00 22-10-2020 22-10-2020
Outgoing Commitment Delphy B.V. 2,295,136.00 22-10-2020 22-10-2020
Disbursement Delphy B.V. 75,000.00 17-12-2020 17-12-2020
Disbursement Delphy B.V. 359,367.00 26-07-2022 26-07-2022
Disbursement Delphy B.V. 112,800.00 04-10-2022 04-10-2022
Disbursement Delphy B.V. 112,798.00 16-12-2022 16-12-2022
Disbursement Delphy B.V. 112,798.00 04-04-2023 04-04-2023
Disbursement Delphy B.V. 363,650.00 04-07-2023 04-07-2023
Disbursement Delphy B.V. 689,561.23 20-02-2024 20-02-2024
Disbursement Delphy B.V. 239,648.17 22-10-2024 22-10-2024