ESPRESSO – Empowering Social Practices Resulting in Economically Sustainable Sourcing Operations
In Uganda, smallholder coffee farmers face various challenges, including climate change, unproductive trees, and labor shortages, which hinder their ability to achieve a living income. Additionally, Uganda's large youth population, with over 52% under 18, struggles with limited land ownership, insufficient skills training, and lack of investment capacity, further exacerbating social risk. Recognizing these issues, ESPRESSO aims to empower both coffee farmers and youth beneficiaries in Greater Masaka District to reach a living income.
The project targets 2,000 farmers, providing regenerative agriculture training to enhance a sustainable income. By increasing shade trees and improving pruning and stumping skills, farmers are able mitigate climate change impacts and increase coffee tree productivity, as well as diversify production which improves the income generated on farm.
Moreover, the project prioritizes engaging local youth in supporting farmers to implement regenerative techniques and offer farmers their skilled agronomic labor practices such as digging trenches, planting improved seedlings, planting shade trees and execute pruning and stumping. These youth groups not only gain valuable practical skills but also contribute to community development and economic diversification while earning an income by offering their skills at a cost to coffee farmers.
Vulnerable coffee farming households, unable to transition towards regenerative agriculture alone to reach a living income, will be enrolled in a cash transfer program by 100WEEKS, reducing social risk. This program includes weekly cash transfers, training, and coaching sessions on topics such as gender equality and financial literacy, alongside training on regenerative farming practices to reduce vulnerability to climate change, decreasing yields from old trees and market shocks.
Overall, the project addresses challenges of low coffee farmer incomes and youth unemployment by promoting sustainable agronomic practices and providing targeted support to vulnerable households. By fostering resilience, empowerment, and diversification, it aims to create lasting positive impacts on livelihoods and community well-being.
Project summary
€ 500,000
Partially tied
Bukomansimbi Organic Tree Farmers Association, ETG Commodities B.V., EXPORT TRADING CO. U LTD, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Stichting 100WEEKS
Responsible Business Conduct