Review Study Horiculture Vietnam
The Dutch top sector ‘Horticulture and Starting Materials’ has initiated a co-operation with the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) under the name HortiViN. This collaboration aims at strengthening the horticulture sector in Vietnam to bring it to the next level.
As a baseline exercise for HortiViN a clear view of past support programmes and project in horticulture is essential. This will provide a sound basis to develop future strategic co-operation. The overall goal of the project is to:
- Enable the development of a distinct and value added strategic platform proposition to both business community in the Netherlands and Vietnamese counterparts.
- Enable the development of a strategic needs and services agenda per pillar as basis of the establishment of new relations and partnerships; content driven bilateral relation management.
A subsidy has been granted to the applicant Fresh Studio to conducted a ‘Review Study on Horticulture in Vietnam’. The assignment complies:
- Desk research.
- Field research.
- Analysis and reporting.
- Knowledge dissemination and strategy formulation workshop.

Project number
NL-KVK-27378529-TF14VNS05Total budget
€ 46,145Countries
Viet NamProject status
FinalisedBudget spent
100.00 % spent
Transition Facility (TF)Tied status
iati@rvo.nlProject partners
Netherlands Enterprise AgencySectors
Agricultural policy and administrative managementType | Provider | Provider ref. | Receiver | Receiver ref. | Value (€) | Date | Value date |
Incoming Funds | 46,145.00 | 13-11-2014 | 13-11-2014 | ||||
Outgoing Commitment | 46,145.00 | 13-11-2014 | 13-11-2014 | ||||
Disbursement | 36,916.00 | 25-11-2014 | 25-11-2014 | ||||
Disbursement | 9,229.00 | 28-10-2015 | 28-10-2015 |